The trend color of 2024 is Peach Fuzz

The trend color of 2024 is Peach Fuzz

Every year, the international color house Pantone names the color of the year, the direction in which fashion, interior design, and other trendsetters look.

For 2023, Pantone chose Viva Magenta as the shade of the year. Viva Magenta is a vibrant purple symbolizing vitality, limitlessness, experimentation, and rebellion.

For 2024, the Peach Fuzz shade offers new atmospheres. The sensual and subtle peach introduces kindness, inner peace, compassion, and a sense of community.

Peach Fuzz's gentle lightness and airy presence will lift us into a more balanced future.

PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz and its soft values

A woman in a peach colored top alongside with Pantone color of the year 2024 color swatch

Peach Fuzz brings comfort to all of us who, in the middle of demanding years and hardships, are exhausted by the need for continuous survival.

According to Pantone, during times of turmoil, our need for images of hope, care, and empathy increases.

Gentle peach wraps you in gentleness and softness. It shares a message of caring. Peach Fuzz also holds a spiritual and healing aspect.

The Pantone color of 2024 expresses warmth and comfort. It encourages you to spend relaxed time with the ones you love - and to take enjoyable and peaceful moments for yourself too.

The Manifesto of wellbeing

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Peach Fuzz encourages you to prioritize your life according to your values, to focus on health and well-being, and to cherish what is special.

Its role is to remind you to nourish your heart, mind, and body.

In a culture that emphasizes productivity and external achievements, it is important to recognize the importance of the inner world. To find some respite, creativity, and human encounters in the hustle and bustle of modern life.

Sometimes it is the right time to reassess what is important. When we shape how we want to live, we express ourselves with a greater purpose.

A few styling tips

Soft Girl

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The recent Soft Girl trend on social media fits nicely with the message of Peach Fuzz.

In the phenomenon, particularly young women of the new generation want to break free from the rat race and live a meaningful slow life.

It is a lifestyle choice that enables you to focus on your pleasures, hobbies, and well-being, rather than the traditional measures of success.

The phenomenon also emphasizes body awareness and listening to your energies and moods.

Light spring

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According to classic color analysis, Peach Fuzz is a go-to make-up and clothing color for spring people.

The peach shade is somewhere between pink and orange. It best suits people with a yellow-based skin tone and a warm base tone in hair and eyes.

Check out flea markets

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Peach is an authentic fashion color from the 80s and 90s and is certainly available second-hand.

The peachy aesthetic of the past decades can still be found, at least in old shirts, beanies, tracksuits, and sweatshirts.

Get inspired

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If wearing Peach Fuzz feels strange, try it on bed linens, towels, swimwear, coffee cups, or key chains.

It takes a little time to get used to a new fashion color, but Peach Fuzz will become more available and it is worth being open-minded.

According to Pantone, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz is human, poetic, and romantic. A restrained and impressive new-age peach shade with a vintage feel. Although Peach Fuzz speaks about the past, it has been shaped with a modern twist. It also brings beauty to the digital world.

Will you choose Peach Fuzz or something else for your wardrobe? Find your favorite shades to complement your style from IVALO.COM's comprehensive range of sustainable women’s clothes and menswear.